Corstone incorporates ESG’s core values into our investment processes and portfolio management whilst practicing social responsibilities and fulfilling our fiduciary duty
- Practices social responsibilities as a private equity firm that commits to the creation of a sustainable future
- Extends beyond the limits of traditional fundamental analysis and incorporates ESG factors into our investment processes for sustainable and responsible investing (“ESG Integration”)
- Excludes investment in companies that do not align with ESG factors (“Negative Screening”)
- Reflects and strictly adheres to ESG objectives and needs of our Limited Partners (LP)
- Conducts ESG assessments throughout our investment process and reflects the findings on our decision-making
- Participates in the board meetings to identify ESG issues and establish further improvement plans
- Holds regular meetings of the ESG committee to monitor ESG activities in our portfolio
- Appoints independent directors of ESG experts
Corstone aims to generate long-term value creations through driving a change in each area of environment, social and government.
- Energy consumption minimization and eco-friendly production management
- Expansion of waste disposal capabilities in the metropolitan area through our portfolio company
- Detailed assessment of environmental strategy, management and performances
- Stable job creation and the safety protection of employees and suppliers for our portfolio companies
- Promotion of diversity and inclusion such as fostering female leaders
- Contribution to the local community through donation activities
- Detailed assessment of employees, contractors and consumers
- Identifying and supporting venture companies with sustainable technologies
- Reinforcement of governance transparency through the board-centered management system that drives ESG management
- Establishment of the investment committee for independent operation and decision-making
- Holding and participation in the regular board meetings with the participation of independent directors of ESG experts
- Detailed assessment of the board of directors and shareholder protection by the audit institution and disclosures